Monday 21 September 2009

Some months later......

The months had passed since that lovely Sunday morning walk.

Leonora had indeed enjoyed herself. Mark had chosen their venue very carefully and they had wandered to the top of an iron age hill fort which quite enchanted Leonora.

The views were excellent, there were no sheep around so Sheba ran happily all over the place, and the climb up the hill was mildly exerting but not too much so.

Leonora had been so well disposed that she had offered to put together a light lunch, so they had ended up back at her place, for salad and a glass of wine.

Tactfully, Mark left straight afterwards, and Leonora had spent the afternoon lazing around and chatting to the little crutches who were very interested in the latest romantic developments. Leonora insisted there weren't any. No crutch dared to mention Leonard.

After that, Mark and Leonora drifted back into a fairly casual relationship - weekends out, nothing during the week, and she resolutely refused to get involved in anything work-related. And while Mark might have initially wanted more from her, he began to enjoy their weekends together, without demanding more commitment.

As for Leonora, the weekends were quite enough. She didn't want to spend all her time fitting around some man - although Sheba was another matter - and she was busy enough doing nothing during the week as it was.

It was also true, much as she hated to admit it, that she missed Leonard deeply. Much as she told herself he was horrid and she hated him, every day, she thought about him and missed him.

She often wondered whether she should send him just a nice friendly email - but it had been so long now she didn't have the courage. What if he ignored her?

The little crutches had implemented a self-imposed ban and had stopped mentioning him. But still, his presence hung heavily in the house.

Ping! went the email.

'Hello Leonora. I don't expect you to reply of course, but I wondered how you are. I miss you.


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